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Ozone layer scientist who 'saved the world' dies

"F Sherwood Rowland won Nobel prize for raising the alarm over CFC gases destroying Earth's ultraviolet shield"

Category: Climate Change


Sellafield: 'It was all contaminated: milk, chickens, the golf course'



Sellafield: 'It was all contaminated: milk, chickens, the golf course'

"Six decades after Britain's worst nuclear accident, an oral history of Sellafield reveals what it felt like to live near the plant. John Vidal reports"


ow Fukushima is leading towards a nuclear-free Japan

"Tokyo hopes to restart some reactors, but hardening public attitudes may rule out even modest return to nuclear power"

Category: Energy sources


Health benefits would outweigh cost of shipping pollution controls, say MPs

"Health savings estimated at £1bn a year would offset shipping job losses from tighter emissions limits, report shows"

Category: Transport, Pollution

Displaying results 316 to 320 out of 2977